06 September 2022

Sweet Dreams Starts Here


day dreaming in the bedroom...


Dreamland Designs - Serene Coastal White Bed
-Bento Adult


- Bento Single Female/Male
-Couples-Precious & Tender Cuddles
-Kiss, Fun, Read, Sleep, Massage, FF/MM
-Tender Adult, Kamasutra, Sex Video
-Cock Worship, FF, Love Adults

(Decorations Not Included)

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05 September 2022

The Weeping Angel


Heaven did not seem to be my home
 and I broke my heart with weeping
 to come back to earth 
and the angels were so angry
 that they flung me out 
into the middle of the heath
 on the top of Wuthering Heights
 where I woke sobbing for joy
 - Emily Bronte


Dreamland Designs - Weeping Angel Patch
-Flower Patch with Wild Flowers
-Weeping Angel with Heart in Her hands
-Material Enabled
-Copy/Modify/No Transfer

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04 September 2022

Sundays are for Cuddling


On this lovely lazy Sunday i like to cuddle,
watching movies, making memories. 
This amazing complete Santorini Adult set comes with
 bento animations, animated flames.
Although this is a complete set, you will find it in seperate sets.


Dreamland Designs - Santorini Complete Outdoor Set-Adult

-Santorini Outdoor Chair Set-Adult
-Chaise & Fireplaice Set-Adult
-Sun Shade
-Outdoor Couch-Adult
-Outdoor Chair Set-Adult

Celebrate Life Everyday

      When you wake up every morning, see that as a blessing, a miracle we should appreciate in life. Many people don't wake up. That is...