08 September 2024

Bed and Breakfast!


Bed and breakfast!



Thalia Round Sofa Bed (Adult/PG)

⭐This Adult/PG bed fills any space indoor or outdoor & comes with amazing Bento Animations! 
Available on MarketPlace and Inworld

Bento Animations Only
Bento Singles Female-Male
Bento Couples/Cuddles
Bento Adults
With Lovescene and sequences
Facials That can be switched on or off
Speed Control On Adults
Props on single animations
Bed 14LI
100% Mesh
Material Enabled


 "Provence" Breakfast Tray and Vase Flowers - Decor Set D15

This amazing breakfast set is available on MarketPlace and Inworld

 Breakfast tray with teapot, cups, plate with dessert, cloth
Land Impact: 4
Approx.sizes: meters 1.2 wide x 1 deep
Vase with flowers
Land Impact: 2
Approx.sizes: meters 0.5 wide x 0.5 deep x 0.7 height
100% Mesh
Permission: Copy | Modify | No Transfer


Sugar and Pumpkin Spice and all things Nice!

  Sugar and Pumpkin Spice and all things Nice! ___________________________     Credits:   ⭐ The Dining Set & Pumpkin Tray is Available a...